We work on every task as a team and stand united behind our results, also towards the customer. Nevertheless, great trust is placed in ever individual according to their own competencies. Everyone makes an important contribution to the overall solution on their own responsibility. his makes everyone feel part of something big and know that if they make a mistake, he or she will never be held solely responsible for it. On the contrary…
Mistakes are opportunities
How often does it happen that a new idea or solution is born from a presumed mistake? We therefore cultivate an open culture of mistakes and resolve them as a team, trying to learn from them and improve.
To achieve this, it is important to dispense with strict hierarchies. If you expect complications to be resolved quickly as a team, you need to create an environment where everyone can openly voice their concerns.
Evolution instead of revolution
Decisions are made in cooperation with each other. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute or implement their own ideas. In doing so, we do not change processes and people in charge from one day to the next. We evaluate the changes in small steps and gradually decide what really has added value or rather hinders us.